Sunday, January 10, 2010

I won chelsea's weekly challenge for December!!

Yippee I won, I won!!!! I was chosen as the winner of Chelsea's CLP Sketch challenge for the month of December . My good buddy Elise let me know as I was totally oblivious to winning. Over the past holiday weekends I have been a very busy girl working on my jewelry for my March show that I've entered in. So exciting and creating these bracelets, earrings and charms is so addicting. I'm really enjoying a totally new side of my creativity. But, I do miss making my cards so I think it's time for a little jewelry break to make some cards Yeah....

Thanks so much Chelsea for the opportunity to participate in your weekly challenges. You are a fabulous inspiration and given the chance to put my creativity to the max! I look forward to your beautiful new designs and hopefully giving them justice with my creations.

1 comment:

Elise said...

Yippeee! Oh Bonnie! I'm soooo ecstatic for you! I just wanna squeeze you so tight and give you a big HUG! :) I'm gonna post this on my blog okay?! You're sooooo awesome Sugar Bons!

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